Cover to Cover with White Noise

Among other things, White Noise is about Jack Gladney: a professor specializing in Hitler studies who can’t speak German.

He attempts to learn the language while keeping his horrible secret from his colleagues, simultaneously navigating family life in a culture of post-modern consumerism. Finally, a giant black cloud – the result of an industrial accident – fills the sky. Everyone is ordered to evacuate the city, and Jack finds himself a refugee in his own country.

The official covers tend towards the simple side, but not in a bad way. I just replaced my beat-up paperback with the pretty black and white trade paperback version (centre, below) which is probably my favourite cover.

25th anniversary edition Paperback edition Paperback edition - alternate

It’s an older novel – first published in 1985 – and the foreign covers I found definitely have a whiff of the ’90s about them. From left to right, top to bottom: German edition, Swedish edition, Polish edition.

German edition Swedish edition Polish edition

And as per usual, the redesigns blow everything out of the water.

Justin Renteria cover HBH design edition Justin Duel James' edition

Left to right, top to bottom: covers from Justin Renteria, HBH Design, and Justin Duel James.

Cover to Cover is a weekly project comparing and critiquing the various covers of popular novels, published every Wednesday. Find more posts in this series here.

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